The story of 40 martyrs unfolds in the city of Sebaste during the reign of Emperor Licinius in 320 A.D.
Licinius had ordered that none of his soldiers would follow Christ. It was forbidden. Any that failed to worship pagan gods would be punished.
A garrison of Roman soldiers was stationed in this remote Armenian town. The decree of the Emperor was told to all those serving in this garrison, by the governor of the region. Forty of the soldiers were devout Christians.
The Christian soldiers presented themselves to the governor, declaring they were followers of Christ. They were brought before a judge who tried to persuade them to forsake Christ, reminding them of the dishonor they were bringing on the Emperor ---- since they were loyal soldiers. He promised them favor. They would not renounce their faith. Finding them resolute, the judge had them imprisoned and beaten.
The governor was offended by their upstart attitude.. A cruel death was planned for them. It was bitterly cold in Sebaste at this time of the year, and they were forced to remove their clothes and stand on a frozen lake outside the city. On the shore was a warm bath -- where they could go if they would renounce the Lord.
Still they refused! As they endured the horrible torture, one finally gave in to the severe cold and taunting of the guards.
One of the guards had been watching intently, during the torture. He was so moved by the faith of the 39, that he removed his clothes and walked onto the frozen pond, replacing the one who had left.
Forty men perished, giving their all for Christ.
Christ gave his all for us.
What does he ask of us? No less.
John wrote, in Revelation 2:10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.