Friday, January 27, 2012

What is in your cup?

WARNING: Contents are hot, and considered politically incorrect to many. Consume at your own risk.

We often think we can’t live without that morning cup of Joe. Or, the mid-morning coffee to push us through the a.m. slump. A great fast lunch could be a mocha-frappe-soy-latte-no whip, with two Splendas. A nice iced coffee is guaranteed to make it over the afternoon hump. And, what dinner is complete without a nice flavored decaf?

Coffee has become an integral part of our life. Many would give Starbucks the credit [blame] for that. Maybe, rightfully so. For many people, there is definitely a loving relationship with the green girl on the white cup. I know people who judge a city by the number and/or convenient locations of the Pacific Northwest coffee vendor. Even though I don’t particularly care the taste of Starbuck’s coffee, I have to admit I get a little excited when I see the easily identifiable bold green lettering, while I am abroad. I even go in and buy a cup, for the familiar experience. It is a piece of home.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Little do they know!

When we first arrived in Koh Chin, Debbie and I put Reggie on the leash and took a long walk. We checked out our local pagoda. We walked to the market. We wandered to a neighboring pagoda. Next, we cruised the high school.

It was a dark and dreary morning

Since the beginning of 2012, we have been working along the Tonle Sap River, in the Kandal Province. This is the first time the ship has visited these villages. In the past, we have only worked the Mekong River. The people are eager to see the doctor and dentist!