Maybe we aren't so great any more. Is it the fault of government? Maybe. Is it the fault of the people? Definitely.
Our country needs, as do all, an emphasis on religious values. I am not proposing that we be a "Christian nation." I am saying that we should be faithful to the values and intentions of the founding fathers and out constitution. The term "separation of church and state" is not found in the writings of these men who set our nation in motion. They were religious men (to one degree or another) who did not want a single religion to rule. We can use the basic biblical principles on which many of our laws are based. That is what will make us great. Winning wars and booming markets are not what we have lost. We have lost this emphasis on doing what is right, truly caring for the downtrodden, giving opportunities (not handouts) to those in need.
To make America great, we need the One who is truly great. We need to seek his blessings. AND, we need to do his work. Our American heritage is based in our faith. Our faith does not say caring for the poor, the elderly, or the orphan is the responsibility of the government. Our faith tells us it is our personal responsibility, and the responsibility of the church. We are to clothe the poor, provide a cup of cool water to the thirst, feed the hungry, etc. If the government wants to help us, that is great. But, that does not lessen my responsibility.
"Oh," you say, "Paul is getting awfully preachy." Call it what you want. I am saying if you are religious - step up and live your faith. If you are an American - step up and use your blessings as a citizen. In the end, it all works out the same.
If we change our attitudes about serving others, our government will change. If it doesn't, so what. All I can really control is what I do. It starts with me.