In the last post, you met half of the Ship of Life crew. Today, I would like to introduce the rest of the crew, to you.
Lieng, our night watchman, isn’t seen much. He sleeps during the day and is up all night. We get to spend breakfast and dinner with him. His English is good and he loves to joke with us. I have been able to teach some of his Bible lessons. Lieng impresses me as a bright and capable young man. His dream is to study at a university in the U.S.
Bunthuen is the Clinical Assistant. His responsibilities include the processing of new patients; taking name, age, weight, blood pressure, and temperature. Then, he gets the patient in queue to see the doctor or dentist. Bunthuen has good Bible knowledge and is the most advanced student. He is responsible for teaching Debbie and me the Khmer numbers – the patients all have numbers and we call them for triage and to see the doctors.
Dr. Tha is the physician. He speaks very little English. Observing him, you can tell he is compassionate and really cares for his patients. Since many of the guys cannot go home, on the weekends, Dr. Tha and his wife invite them to come and stay at his home in Phnom Penh. I have been told this is quite unusual for Khmer people.
Bun Roth, our pharmacist, is an interesting fellow. He loves to play with the children who come onboard. He is a real family man. He is eager to talk about his wife, his three daughters, and his home church. Now, there are five families meeting for worship, in his home. Like many people his age, he was touched very personally by the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge. Bun Roth is a great asset to the work.
Marie Claire McDonough is from France, originally. She has a true heart for missions. Marie Claire was involved in missions, before meeting her husband, Bill. She is the personification of the term, “comfortable in her own skin.” She loves the Lord and his Kingdom. She was the key person in beginning the Cambodian Back to School Program. While on hiatus from the work in Myanmar, she takes care of the pharmacy stock, book keeping, and other jobs to numerous to count.
Bill McDonough is the Director of Partners in Progress. He has served in Europe, the Caribbean, South America, Asia, and other places I am sure I have forgotten. He is instrumental in the Bible teaching through teaching English work, here in Cambodia. He started the nutrition program, for Khmer children. Of course, the Ship of Life was a significant focus of his efforts. He has begun a successful work in Myanmar, and will return to it, once a new Ship Manager is onboard.
My life has been greatly blessed – and changed - by spending time with these people. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know them.
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