Friday, December 19, 2014

Who needs "The Word?"

If our three years in Cambodia did nothing else, it brought it home to me that we have been guilty of majoring on minors for FAR too long --- no matter what we want to think. There is a lost world out there and many (I refrain from saying most) do not want to see it, as we sit in our padded pews, under stain-glassed windows, singing "O How I Love Jesus." I was scared to come back to the U.S., for this reason. And, I am still uncomfortable. I am not sure who needs ministering, the lost or the "saved." I would love to hear your thoughts, as I continue to formulate the balance of this blog post.


  1. I agree, and I question whether I am soft spiritually also. I also think about churches that leave poor sections of cities for the suburbs forgetting the community they left behind. I am not pointing fingers other than at myself.

  2. Trust God's calls. If He calls some to minister to the "saved," praise God. When He calls some to minister to the "lost," praise God. Our heritage does not place enough emphasis on being called of God for different tasks and ministries. When God does the calling and we know it better, we are far more supportive of those with different callings from ours. And I have praised God for 4 years that you heard God's call and followed it! Blessings, brother.
