Friday, February 22, 2013

I wish I were the person my dog thinks I am

   I think I first saw it as a bumper sticker. Then, later it floated through Facebook. “I wish I were the person my dog thinks I am.” Do you remember seeing it? Maybe, like me, you were amused – maybe chuckled a bit. You gave an approving nod, and moved on.

   If you are a dog lover, you get it. Right away. I can’t speak for cats, really. Who knows what they are thinking?? But I know what Reggie thinks of me. I can see it in the wag of his tail. I can hear it in his sigh when he lies down next to me. I can actually see it in his eyes. Yes, he smiles at me, I am sure. He is pretty taken with me. He thinks I am something special. Oh, that I only were.

I have thought about that cutesy, seemingly innocuous, little statement. I have thought about it a great deal. It has haunted me. Really, the more haunting statement is, “I wish I were the person God wants me to be.”  This one is a bit tougher. I suppose it is tougher, because there is more truth, there.

Reggie just needs full bowls of food and water, a belly scratch, and a walk. That makes him pretty happy. Anything extra I do for him is just icing on the cake. Really, he doesn't require much. I can even forget a meal, once in a while. Or, maybe skip a walk. No worries! His expectations are pretty low.

But God…. He expects far, far more. No, not more. He expects it all. Everything. The whole enchilada! He does not want to be forgotten. He does not want to be overlooked. I cannot pull Him out, dust Him off and do His thing, when the mood strikes me. He wants to be the center of my life – where I am totally focused on Him. No person or thing can get in the way. Not work. Not friends. Not family. Not even good works. He is not so impressed with what I do, when I serve Him. It is my job. It is what He has commanded me to do.  Don’t get me wrong, I think God is pleased with appropriate actions and service – but impressed, No!
I have to be constantly reminded that His command is not about “doing." His commandment is about “feeling,” “thinking,” and “committing.” It is about “BEING.”
What must make it even more frustrating for Him, is that He hasn't given me a long, detailed, hard to decipher job description. It is short and simple. It is easy to remember. It is easy to understand. Love Me and keep My commandments. But, I can foul up something this simply stated. I have to be constantly reminded that His command is not about “doing.” Oh, I can “do” with the best of them. His commandment is about “feeling,” “thinking,” and “committing.” It is about “BEING.” Maybe, my “doing” actually gets in the way, sometimes. I am so busy “doing,” that I forget the important part.

Lord, help me when I stray. Do not let me forget. Guide my thoughts and very being.  I am a weak and selfish sinner. I need you at the center of my life. Help me to use your Spirit to guide and strengthen me. Thank you for loving. Thank you for forgiving.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”  Phil. 4:8

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