Thursday, January 24, 2013

There Was One Who Was Willing

   So, with my last post, it is all out in the open. I am a Zombist. Nah, you didn't miss a day in school. That is a word I have just coined. It means, "one who delights in stories of zombies." Feel free to use it, any time! Share it with your friends. They will be quite impressed with your broad vocabulary. You might be surprised -- some of them may be closet Zombists.

   While reading in the afore-mentioned tome, Zombiestan, I came across another great passage. 
"It was perhaps only appropriate that the solution to the madness and destruction the world had inflicted upon itself lay in the blood of an innocent child."
As you would expect, the scene is where there is the revelation that a particular child's blood possesses the antibodies to fight the dread virus that creates the zombies.

   When I first read the passage, I saw the Biblical implications of the sentence. It isn't that I am so spiritually-minded. It was pretty obvious. BOOM! There it is; innocent blood redeems the world. Where else is my mind supposed to go.  But, it wasn't just the spiritual implications that drew my eyes and thoughts back to the passage. It was the wording, actually.

   I was struck by the words which the author chose. Read it, again. There are some key words:

  • appropriate
  • madness and destruction
  • inflicted on itself
It wasn't the thoughts or the concepts that began to "haunt" me. It was those words. I could not help but think how applicable those same words are to where we find ourselves.

   Appropriate is defined as "fitting for a particular purpose." God/Christ had a purpose. A particular purpose. There might have been other solutions, but only one was fitting. It was that the innocent, the blameless should be offered as a sacrifice. Christ's death wasn't the easy out. It wasn't the only thing God could do. He is God. He makes the rules. He could decide what works. He chose the solution that was fitting with the way He had always done things - the innocent is given up for the guilty.

   Could any two words, other than madness and destruction, be better used to describe the world we inhabit? What else but madness requires us to love that which is ephemeral. We praise beauty, knowing it fades with time. We extol athletic prowess, seeing example after example of how it diminishes with time. The traits we should laud (purity, honesty, service, etc.)  are used as punchlines or a descriptor of a second-rate someone who doesn't possess the "important" things. This madness is bound to end in destruction. There is no way in can end in anything more positive.

   And, the saddest note of all is that it is all self-inflicted. We do it to ourselves. We do it to our children. We do it to anyone who will listen. We espouse and believe what Satan spits out. "Faith in a higher being is weakness. Be your own man. Solve your own problems." "Kindness and mercy are defects of the soul." "The clothes make the man (or woman)." 

   Our world is mad and set on destroying itself. I for one don't intend to go down with the ship. I cannot continue to follow this world. I want something better. I need something better. I have found a fitting answer, the blood of an innocent. The blood of one who understands. I want to forget the world and learn more about the one who wants what is best for me. I want to know the one who said,
Take the yoke  I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest.
   Who said that? The one who willingly spilled the blood for each of us mad and destructive people. 

So, there's where Zombiestan fell short. The innocent in that story had no choice - had no say. He was a toddler and adults made his choice. 

HALLELUJAH, I have one who was willing; One who chose to give it all. And He is the One I choose to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your thoughts Paul. Although I dislike anything Zombie, I liked your comments as they reflect Jesus purpose for all of us sinners. Jesus can clean us all up so we don't become "zombies" (or act like them). Praise God for his son and His plan.
